Pre-WAR Legacy
Pre-WAR Legacy is the format as it was at the height of the format's Silver Age. Deck diversity was extremely high, and the prevalence of powerful decks did not crowd out the opportunity to brew. The format was dynamic and able to check its own most powerful contenders from week to week. The decks of this period are highly efficient but usually required careful piloting through numerous hard decisions to succeed, making for one of the format's most skill-intensive periods.
Pre-WAR Legacy uses all the normal rules for playing ordinary Legacy. This explicitly includes using the current "London" mulligan rule. The only difference is the use of a different banned and restricted list; differences will be in boldface font for emphasis.
The following cards are banned:
Cards with a name originally printed in the War of the Spark expansion, or any set released at a later date (May 3, 2019).
25 cards with the Card Type “Conspiracy.”
9 cards that reference "playing for ante."
Ancestral Recall
Bazaar of Baghdad
Black Lotus
Chaos Orb
Deathrite Shaman
Demonic Consultation
Demonic Tutor
Dig Through Time
Falling Star
Frantic Search
Gitaxian Probe
Goblin Recruiter
Hermit Druid
Imperial Seal
Library of Alexandria
Mana Crypt
Mana Drain
Mana Vault
Memory Jar
Mental Misstep
Mind Twist
Mind’s Desire
Mishra’s Workshop
Mox Emerald
Mox Jet
Mox Pearl
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Mystical Tutor
Oath of Druids
Sensei's Divining Top
Sol Ring
Strip Mine
Survival of the Fittest
Time Vault
Time Walk
Tolarian Academy
Treasure Cruise
Vampiric Tutor
Wheel of Fortune
Yawgmoth's Bargain
Yawgmoth's Will
For ease of reference, the ten most recent sets that added cards to the format (i.e.: Legacy-legal sets preceding War of the Spark and having original printings) are as follows:
Ravinca Allegiance (RNA)
Game Night (GNT)
Guilds of Ravinca (GRN)
Commander 2018
Core Set 2019 (M19)
Global Series: Jiang Yanggu & Mu Yanling (GS1)
Battlebond (BBD)
Dominaria (DOM)
Rivals of Ixalan (RIX)
Ixalan (XLN)